Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Nature of Crows

Things they will tell you on nature programs.

Crows are clever.

Crows are clever scavengers.

Crows are clever scavengers who eat roadkill.

Things they leave out

Crows are clever scavengers who eat roadkill which they first soften in the nearest birdbath.

Crows are clever scavengers who eat roadkill which they first soften in the nearest birdbath, and then they fly away.

Crows are clever scavengers who eat roadkill which they first soften in the nearest birdbath, and then they fly away leaving the bones of whatever it was in the water.


  1. Niiiiiice. Maybe it's some sort of friendship offering?

    1. That's a cheerful thought!

      Much as I like crows, though, I suspect they aren't returning the favor. My guess is it's more of an "I'm through with this" gesture.

  2. The "softening stuff" has happened more than once; the bones, so far, only the one time.

    I think other birds soften things in there, too, as I frequently find bits of magnolia bean/seed, bread, and whatnot in there. They are *not* a tidy bunch.

    The bones though, that... was unexpected.
