Friday, July 17, 2009

The Great Carousel Hunt: Part the Fourth

"I'm going to the fair this evening. Want to come?"

Of course I did.

In fact, I had to--It has a carousel, and I can't pass a up a carousel, not this summer.

It's a lovely carousel too (You've probably guessed by now that this is redundant: As far as I'm concerned, all carousels are lovely. Nonetheless, I am likely going to continue reminding you at every possible opportunity. Consider it a public service announcement).

There was the usual dilemma: Which animal to ride? The snarling tiger? The funny little pig? The elegant, rearing wonder? The sturdy, galloping beauty with the golden mane? The zebra?

After spending some time watching, I finally selected the gorgeous, golden-maned beast. Good thing, too. This ride was no serene sail but a fierce gallop. The horses shook slightly as they surged forward, each trying to overtake the other.

As a side note: All my reading is paying off: I recognized some of these horses; they're not just any carousel horses, they are famous horses--or, rather, copies thereof. I can't tell you which horse had which creator, or who made that snarling tiger (a stander; I don't rind standers, not at the moment), but I can tell you they have a history.

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