Trees: Yes, including some rather pretty ones with nice, large, pink flowers (see above). Lake Park has a big one, but they don't seem too common.
It looked like there were maybe one or two different plantings of trees, as well, which always adds to the beauty, letting the trees be different sizes. Also, there are a couple that have been allowed to gain character.
One big one has a good spread of low-lying branches at crazy angles. It looks like it might be worth sitting under for a while.

Water fountains: I didn't see any.
Playgrounds: Yes. The standard setup with the yellow slide, red ladders, swings. Comes in two sizes, too, so it's great for all ages. Don't bring any little ones who are potty-training, though (see above on bathrooms).
Sports stuff: Yes. Talbert Park actually spreads out later on, merging with a school area, and has some big, flat areas for soccer etc. You'll have to check just what, though, as I forget. The sports equipment is not really high on my list of priorities, I'm afraid.
Parking: On the street--not on Magnolia, though.
Will you be able to forget you are in a city? No. See humming power lines. Is it a Good Thing to Have? Yes. Definitely. Parks are always good!

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