Thursday, February 10, 2011

Quick book note/also artist mention: Kinuko Craft Drawings and Paintings

Ooh, I just noticed: Kinuko Craft, the artist who has drawn all those beautiful covers for Mckillip's work lately, has a collection of her work out: Kinuko Craft Drawings and Paintings.

As you can see above, I'm most aware of her as a cover artist, particularly with McKillip's work--she's done most of the recent covers (1), and they are gorgeous, baroque, dream-like works that capture the essence of the books.

It does make me want to go look again at some of the other stuff she's illustrated; there's a stunningly beautiful rendition of The Twelve Dancing Princesses, for one.

Anyway, I thought I'd mention it. It's not new (2007), just new to me.

(1)Not Solstice Wood, which is odd, and makes me sad, too, because I get a lot of pleasure out of my style-coordinated covers for McKillip; she's one of the few authors I buy in hardcover partly from the sheer beauty of the book-design. The row of books just makes me smile when I walk by.

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