Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Broken Hourglass: Numbers

510,870 words
2748586 characters
881 scripts
31 subdirectories 

In case you were wondering.


  1. yay i was waiting for another tbh installment :)

  2. Sorry it's been so long in between.

    It was a bit easier when it was just me nattering about writing and learning to code, mostly to readers who weren't actually all that interested in the game. Now, I find myself wondering "Is this something new?" "Am I repeating myself?"

    Probably quite pointless worries, as I'm sure the biggest thing people want to know is "Is The Broken Hourglass continuing?"

  3. I assumed you had been taking a well deserved holiday break - do try to have at least some time off :)

  4. I've been waiting on this one for a long long time. I wish there was more info on it! I'll be staying tuned to your blog.
