Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A New Aunt Dimity

Since I'm being highly distractible today, I may as well stop and point out that there is a new Aunt Dimity out (has been out since February, but I only just remembered to check; I miss Amazon's new-book-by notification, dead these many (two? three?) years). The two reviews I read said it's more travelogue than mystery, but that is ok; I don't really read the Aunt Dimity books for their suspense quotient. Anyway, I've now put Aunt Dimity Down Under on hold at the library. I'm something like third or fourth on the list, so it will be a little while until I get to read it, but that's ok. It isn't the only hold I have.

Also, I'm supposed to be reading Daily Life in the Byzantine Empire by Marcus Rautman (verdict so far: Informative but not scintillating--you have to already have an interest in Constantinople to keep going), and am actually reading Not a Girl Detective by Susan Kandel (verdict so far: Mildly interesting, prone to I-did-my-research infodumps and a bit longer than its story seems to warrant).

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