Thursday, August 21, 2008

Doll Making

I just finished a long-term project I've been working on--making a doll for a friend, based on her gaia avatar.

I'm rather pleased with the way she turned out, though of course there are many things I learned while I was making her and somethings I'll do differently "next time" (that is, next doll, not next iteration of this doll. This one is done). Wish I had thought to photograph her standing up so's to avoid the bigfoot syndrome.

One project down, I'm-n0t-really-sure-how-many yet to go.

The pattern, by the way, comes from Dolls Puppedolls and Teddy Bears by Estelle Ansley-Worrell, by far the most sensible doll-making book I've ever come across.

I've adapted it, of course, to fit my purposes, but the body is the same.

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