Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Paste Paper

I'm finally taking that Book Arts class I've been eyeing for the last several years.

The room smells of pastels and paste and paper and we all have bags full of scissors, crayons, colored pencils, and an assortment of other Grown Up art materials.

There's a little time for lecture, some time for demonstration, and a long spell of quite happily making stuff.

We've made books from single sheets of paper, several folds, and one cut, books from boxes, and accordion books. This week the focus is on paper, so today we learned paste paper painting, which is a sort of grown up version of finger painting, very messy, and a lot of fun. Tomorrow we'll make paper and bleach already made colored paper.

Oh, and I own an awl now. I've always wanted to own an awl.

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