Friday, June 13, 2008

The Terns Are Back!

I took a nice, long bike ride today and visited the Bolsa Chica Wetlans. It's one of my favorite places, and I have not been for months. I have no idea why it has taken me so long between visits.

I had not planned on going when I set out, but it was a lovely, sunny day, and the ocean was shining in the sunshine and when I reached the point where I had planned to turn back, I saw the terns circling in the sky. I love the terns, they're lovely, white, graceful, quarrelsome creatures who don't mind flying close to humans but object very much to the presence of another tern in the area they have designated theirs.

So, instead of heading back, I went on forward and crossed over to the Wetlands.

I stood happily on the pier, watching the terns wheel and fight and taking dozens of pictures which showed them just about to dive, or circling and thinking of diving, but never quite managed one that actually showed them diving. Oh well. Maybe next time.

I was happy to spot a stilt nesting. Maybe this time I will actually get to see the chicks, and the terns are busily nesting in their fenced off area, waiting for their chicks.

And there was a stingray in the water. Watching a stingray swim by always makes me happy.
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